Hello, are all of you who have celebrated thanksgiving sufficiently stuffed. I have so much left over its ridiculous. From now on I'm not listening to anyone. I've decided to go by my own instincts. Less is more.....
Anyway, I finally finished a quilt that I started in 2005. It was started in a retreat with Gabrielle Swain. I think, over all it's nice. But Technically not my best. I don't plan on entering it in any shows. But here is a picture.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I received a lot a nice comments. It's so interesting to see which pieces of jewelry is a favorite for some of you. No two were the same. But the fact that you all looked and took the time to respond is so appreciated. I love what I do. And when I make piece of jewelry I want it to come from the heart. Some of the pieces are my originals and some are from patterns. But with my choice of colors. My goal is to make each piece unique. When I wear a necklace or a bracelet, I want someone to say "Oh, where did you get that" I definitely don't want it to look like I got it at Macy's. Or some other dept. store. Am I being snobbish? I don't think so. At least I hope not. It's that I don't see the challenge, if I can go to the store and buy it.
I know I haven't been posting all month. But that's because I have been working hard to get new work done for my guilds' boutique. Which will be Nov. 18th. So, my usual dilemma is, do I work or do I post. And since I like to have pictures to go along with my posts, It kind of slows me down. Anyways, I have lots of pictures of what I will be selling. Please feel free to contact me for prices. Absolutely no obligation. So here goes. Comments appreciated.....Oh, and if you click on a picture you will get a closeup.
More to come. Also if there is something you are interested in my slide show, by all means contact me.....